The heads of these hoes are made of recycled agricultural disk blades which is a high grade tempered steel well suited for strength and holding an edge. Hoes are sharpened on all 3 sides and they do hold an edge! Do not make the mistake some people make and only buy one. You need one for each helper in the produce patch or garden or you will have a fight on your hands. You will just love this hoe. It’s great & almost never dulls.

Hand Tillage Tools
The heads of these hoes are made of recycled agricultural disk blades which is a high grade tempered steel well suited for strength and holding an edge. Hoes are sharpened on all 3 sides and they do hold an edge! Do not make the mistake some people make and only buy one. You need one for each helper in the produce patch or garden or you will have a fight on your hands.
Item Blade Handle
size length
H50VW 6″ X 6″ 12″
H575G6 5.75″ X 2″ 60″
H575G12 5.75″ X 2″ 12″
H70G6 7″ X 2.5″ 60″
H60G 6″ X 1″ 12″
H60G6 6″ X 1″ 60″
H40G6 4″ X 4″ 60″
H40G 4″ X 4″ 12″
H00G12 3.5″ top 12″
H00G6 3.5″ top 60″
H40S6 4″ 60″
H60S6 6″ 60″
H80S6 8″ 60″
110SC 11″ 60″
H40F6 4″ 60″
H55F6 5.5″ 60″
H70F6 7″ 60″
70SC 7″ 60″
H75G 7.5″ x 2″ 12″ Swan neck
H75G6 7.5″ x 2″ 60″ Swan neck
H65G6 6.5″ x 2″ 60″ Swan neck
H80S6 8″ 60″
100SC 10″ 60″
70NBR 7″ 60″
H60 Handle 60″ Pro-hoe
H60S Handle 60″ Scuffle
H-F60 Handle 60” Field-hoe
Home Collection contains our Dainty but Tough Garden Hoe (40G), the 40S Scuffle Hoe, and the Short “Do It All” hoe(65VW). The perfect collection for the serious gardener.
Our flat hoe will seamlessly “crossover” from the garden to the field and beyond.
H15J60 1.5/5″ w X 6.5″ H crossover Tool
H50J60 5″ w X 5.25″ H crossover Tool
H70J60 7″ w X 5.25″ H crossover Tool
Small transplanter 2.8″ x 9″
Trowel 3.3″ x 6″
Small weeder 2.7″ x 8.7″
Cultivator 3.4″ x 8.2″
Mid-size spade 30″ handle 8.7″ X 13″
Mid-size Shovel 30″ handle 9.4″ x 11″
Mid-size transplanter. 30″ handle 7.8″ X 11.5″
4 tine digging fork. 30″ handle 7.5″ x 11.5″
Narrow 4 tine border fork. 30″ handle 5.5″ x 9.2″
Mid-size weeder. 30″ handle 1.6″ x 11″
Edger. 1/2 round blade. 30″ handle 9″ x 5.5″
The heads of these hoes are made of recycled agricultural disk blades which is a high grade tempered steel well suited for strength and holding an edge. Hoes are sharpened on all 3 sides and they do hold an edge! Do not make the mistake some people make and only buy one. You need one for each helper in the produce patch or garden or you will have a fight on your hands.
Item Blade Handle
size length
H50VW 6″ X 6″ 12″
H575G6 5.75″ X 2″ 60″
H575G12 5.75″ X 2″ 12″
H70G6 7″ X 2.5″ 60″
H60G 6″ X 1″ 12″
H60G6 6″ X 1″ 60″
H40G6 4″ X 4″ 60″
H40G 4″ X 4″ 12″
H00G12 3.5″ top 12″
H00G6 3.5″ top 60″
H40S6 4″ 60″
H60S6 6″ 60″
H80S6 8″ 60″
110SC 11″ 60″
H40F6 4″ 60″
H55F6 5.5″ 60″
H70F6 7″ 60″
70SC 7″ 60″
H75G 7.5″ x 2″ 12″ Swan neck
H75G6 7.5″ x 2″ 60″ Swan neck
H65G6 6.5″ x 2″ 60″ Swan neck
H80S6 8″ 60″
100SC 10″ 60″
70NBR 7″ 60″
H60 Handle 60″ Pro-hoe
H60S Handle 60″ Scuffle
H-F60 Handle 60” Field-hoe
Home Collection contains our Dainty but Tough Garden Hoe (40G), the 40S Scuffle Hoe, and the Short “Do It All” hoe(65VW). The perfect collection for the serious gardener.
Our flat hoe will seamlessly “crossover” from the garden to the field and beyond.
H15J60 1.5/5″ w X 6.5″ H crossover Tool
H50J60 5″ w X 5.25″ H crossover Tool
H70J60 7″ w X 5.25″ H crossover Tool
Small transplanter 2.8″ x 9″
Trowel 3.3″ x 6″
Small weeder 2.7″ x 8.7″
Cultivator 3.4″ x 8.2″
Mid-size spade 30″ handle 8.7″ X 13″
Mid-size Shovel 30″ handle 9.4″ x 11″
Mid-size transplanter. 30″ handle 7.8″ X 11.5″
4 tine digging fork. 30″ handle 7.5″ x 11.5″
Narrow 4 tine border fork. 30″ handle 5.5″ x 9.2″
Mid-size weeder. 30″ handle 1.6″ x 11″
Edger. 1/2 round blade. 30″ handle 9″ x 5.5″