菜花 约imately 8,000 seeds per OZ
See cab袋e for planting instructions. 收获:将外面的叶子绑在头上,保护头部不受阳光照射
这将把头焯成奶白色. 凝乳完全形成后,从头部下方切开. Use fresh or can for
以后使用. PKT大小:F1或杂交种1/128盎司,150粒剩余1/10盎司

Depurple F1
我没有这个产品的图片. 如果你今年买了这个产品,并把它的图片发给我, 明年我会免费送你一包. 发送至“errolahlers@morgancountyseeds”.com. Please include your name and address.
我没有这个产品的图片. 如果你今年买了这个产品,并把它的图片发给我, 明年我会免费送你一包. 发送至“errolahlers@morgancountyseeds”.com. Please include your name and address.

Pkt size about 100 seeds.
我没有这个产品的图片. 如果你今年买了这个产品,并把它的图片发给我, 明年我会免费送你一包. 发送至“errolahlers@morgancountyseeds”.com. Please include your name and address.
Pkt size about 100 seeds.
我没有这个产品的图片. 如果你今年买了这个产品,并把它的图片发给我, 明年我会免费送你一包. 发送至“errolahlers@morgancountyseeds”.com. Please include your name and address.

Pureza F1
Mexico fresh market type
Mid-late maturity
Heavy, dense curd
Large outer leaves/vigorous plant
约. days to maturity from transplant: 76
Mexico fresh market type
Mid-late maturity
Heavy, dense curd
Large outer leaves/vigorous plant
约. days to maturity from transplant: 76

68天. Hybrid Snowball type. 它的杂交活力使它迅速而均匀地生长,这样你就可以收获了
earlier than most. 品质优良,头固紧,洁白洁白,最多可达8″横.
Seeds maybe treated.
68天. Hybrid Snowball type. 它的杂交活力使它迅速而均匀地生长,这样你就可以收获了
earlier than most. 品质优良,头固紧,洁白洁白,最多可达8″横.
Seeds maybe treated.